News: South Australia High Points Category quota notification

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South Australia High Points Category quotaThe South Australia Government made two announcements regarding the High Points Category on Monday, 19 February 2018. These announcements related to applications and detailed changes to occupations available for nomination under the High Points Category.

High Points Category quota

Immigration South Australia has received a high volume of applications for the High Points Category and will be monitoring applications received over the coming weeks.

The following steps will be taken:

  • Once the ‘high points’ category quota is close to being reach, the minimum points requirement will be automatically increased to 90 points.
  • Once the quota is reached, the ‘high points’ category will be closed for the rest of the 2017/2018 program year (until 30 June 2018). Notification of this closure will be posted on their website.

Occupations no longer available for nomination under the High Points Category

From today, 19 February 2018, the occupations listed below are no longer available for nominations under the High Points Category (This applies to applications submitted on or after 19 February 2018)

  • 132211 Finance Manager
  • 221111 Accountant (General)
  • 221112 Management Accountant
  • 221113 Taxation Accountant
  • 221213 External Auditor
  • 222112 Finance Broker
  • 222199 Financial Brokers nec
  • 222211 Financial Market Dealer
  • 222299 Financial Dealers nec
  • 222311 Financial Investment Adviser
  • 222312 Financial Investment Manager
  • 225113 Marketing Specialist

Please note: The other three categories for accessing the SSL and Special Conditions occupations will still be available for applications.


If anything about the information above is unclear, please feel free to contact us. Our advisors will be happy to assist.

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