Family Visa - For children, parents and certain other relatives of Australians
Are you looking for information the family visa category for Australia? Then you've come to the right place. Simply continue reading...
What relationship must exist?
The prerequisite for a family visa application is that the relationship must be with an Australian citizen or permanent resident, or an ENZ citizen. The nature of this relationship differs from one subclass of visa to another.

The Family visa categories
The Family visa's subclasses are divided between three categories - Child, Parents, Other Relatives:
Sponsorship requirements for family visas
The Australian citizen, permanent resident or ENZ citizen must act as sponsor in the family visa application.
Requirements for sponsorship include:
- The sponsor for an Other Relatives category visa must be an Australian citizen, a permanent resident or an ENZ citizen, and must be at least 18 years old.
- For a permanent visa applicant, the sponsor has an obligation to assist the applicant financially and with accommodation for a 2-year period.
- The sponsor's circumstances should provide evidence of their means to support the applicant.
- ENZ residents acting as sponsors must satisfy health and character requirements.
Getting advice on Australian family visas
Your journey begins with an assessment, before you get your hopes up and spend considerable sums of money.
The assessment will tell you whether Australia is even an option for you and, if so, which options and costs are involved.
Where you to go for your assessment and advice is clearly defined by the Australian Government - aents in Australia must be licensed agents or exempt.
Your preference might be to enlist the services of an agent in your home country. However, we urge you to take care. There are far too many stories of agents taking large sums of money under false pretences!
You should want to avoid this situation at all cost.
The best advice is to only use agents that are correctly licensed. You can check the credentials of agents here on the Migration Authority's website.
You can also view the details of our immigration agents here and here.
Get your family visa application right the first
time with the assistance of our licensed advisors
MARA Licensed Agents
Our immigration agents are licensed by MARA, giving you complete peace of mind during your migration.
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