Australian Eligible Skilled Occupation Lists Announcements

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Australian Eligible Skilled Occupations ListsYour eligibility for an Australian work visa greatly depends on having a job that appears on one of Australia’s Eligible Skilled Occupations lists.

Due to this, we wanted to update you on what’s been happening to Australia’s skilled occupation lists:

No new MLSSL, STSOL, or ROL lists yet

The Australian government announced a number of changes to the Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List (MLSSL), Short-term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL), and Regional Occupation List (ROL) in March 2018.

At the time, the government said that a mid-year review will happen, but there have been no new updates or changes as of the date of publishing. (9 July 2018).

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Queensland has released a new QSOL list

Queensland has released their new Queensland Skilled Occupations Lists, with a number of significant changes.

The most significant is the increase of the minimum points score for General Skilled Migration (GSM) to 65 points.

This is a change that was made by Immigration Australia in June, effective on 1 July for all GSM applications made on or after 1 July 2018.

South Australia has published new Lists of State Nominated Occupations

South Australia published their new Lists of State Nominated Occupations today, 9 July 2018. You can find the lists on their website.

Victoria reopens nominations

The Victorian government stopped accepting new applications for nominations for skilled nominations in order to ‘manage current demands’ back in May.

The government has now managed to get back on track and is again accepting nomination applications as of the start of July.

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